Geese Navigating The Ice Floes
Geese waylaid by the ice floes had to navigate through the puzzle pieces. Ice out here was on April 29, 2017. I think other lakes [...]
Run faster…faster…no, FASTER
Merganser fleeing the scene I spent some time watching geese sort out their procreational opportunities. It looked a lot like a typical bar [...]
Some Things I Saw In June
The post title and photo captions tell the stories.
Random pics from early July 2011
Foster dog, moose boneyard, some baby geese and a butterfly (moth?) feeding on goose poop.
Otter and a couple of geese
Spring HAS to be close. This morning an otter was fishing in a hole way out on the lake near the cormorant stick . He then scooted over to where Otter Brook enters the lake which is pretty much the only part of the lake
Definitely a loon. And some geese.
And some mergansers (just added on 2010-04-17)