Spring flowers are here! Of course I had to take a bunch of pics. There’s more variety in this year’s pics: blueberry blooms, painted trillium, strawberry blooms. Then the usual columbine, lupine, etc. It’s been a pretty rainy and gloomy spring so far so I really appreciate the sun on the rare occasion it makes an appearance.

The bugs weren’t bad until about two weeks ago when they emerged in full force. They find me very attractive as the welts on my neck, ears and face will attest. Yeah, I’m lookin’ good right now. I might be mistaken for Dumbo if my ears take one more bite. Deep Woods Off is the scent of the season.

Someday I’ll post older pics from winter/early spring of the lake birds arriving and moose that were loitering around the neighborhood.

There are more pics in this series. To see them all click on one of the thumbnails below to get a lightbox you can scroll through.